By Tawanda Musariri

The Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe (GMAZ) this morning read the riot act to players in the packaging industry following astronomical packaging material prices that have catalyzed a price surge in most basic commodities.

By Zivanai Dhewa

The Registrar General Clement Masango today revealed that his Department will seek exemption from the job freezes due to understaffing that he has observed during his familiarisation tour of his offices in the Bulawayo Metropolitan Province recently.

By Bernard Mutambudzi.

Zanu-PF Commissariat department is set to distribute its new electronic membership cards in the remaining provinces notably, Mashonaland Central, East, West and Matebeland South that will also function as debit cards after partnering with People’s Own Savings Bank (POSB).

By Tawanda Musariri

Provincial hero of the liberation of Zimbabwe Cde Better Chikonzo who succumbed to a short illness on 1 November was yesterday buried at Harare Provincial Heroes Acre with military honours. He was 62.