By Tawanda Musariri

The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education today implored parents and school administrations to start preparing for form one placements via the electronic database designed specifically for this purpose.

By Bernard Mutambudzi

Former MDC legislature for Harare West, Jessie Majome, was among the ten prominent lawyers who participated in the public interviews for the Prosecutor-General’s post yesterday.

By Elijah Chihota

Local seed producer, Seed-Co has invited young people at universities and colleges of agriculture to develop innovative and technological ideas that create value for farmer’s livelihoods in Zimbabwe, under its Seed-Co Innovation Challenge programme.

By Gift Mashoko

Minister of Information Communication and Technology and Courier Services, Honourable Kazembe Kazembe who is attending the International Telecommunication Union Plenipotentiary (ITUPP) in Dubai said Zimbabwe was progressing well in fostering growth of the ICT sector.

By Tawanda Musariri

Prophetic Healing and Deliverance (PHD) founder and leader, Walter Magaya has made a major climb down following sensational claims he made to his tens of thousands followers on Sunday that he had found cure for Aids and cancer.

By Christopher Makaza

Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister, Honourable Monica Mutsvangwa has urged the media fraternity to be highly professional and accessible in conducting their daily duties, adding that Government is in the process of making new media laws to promote citizens` rights in accessing information.