By Zivanai Dhewa

Self-exiled Professor Jonathan Moyo was dressed down on social media and exposed for his hypocritical stance on Command Agriculture Programme following his disassociation with and vilification of same.

by Zivanai Dhewa

While officiating at the Gwebi Agricultural College graduation ceremony running under the theme, “Unlocking value from partnerships,” Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement, Retired Air Marshal Perrance Shiri, has called on all Agriculture Extension Officers to think outside the box and improve on agriculture production.

by Tawanda Musariri

Spirited efforts by the major players in the health sector have managed to contain the cholera outbreak that held the city of Harare's southern suburbs by ransom in the face of an antiquated fresh water and sewer reticulation system.

by Rudo Saungweme

In a move to make command livestock programme a success, the Department of Livestock and Veterinary Services (DLVS) is urging farmers to dip their cattle to avoid the tick borne disease called Theileriosis that usually attack cattle during the December to March rainy season, Harare Post has learnt.

By Patience Rashai

The Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) Alliance Presidential spokesperson’s sentiments that Nelson Chamisa is worthy $50 billion to the Zimbabwean economy has drawn a volley of criticism over creation of a demi-god in Chamisa, equivalent to Mugabe era.

By Tawanda Musariri

The World Health Organisation in Zimbabwe has, together with the Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunisation (GAVI Alliance), mobilised $2.6 million for oral cholera vaccinations expected to immunise majority people in high risk suburbs of Harare.