Chamisa scouting for new leadership in Bulawayo province

Political Reporter

The Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader, Nelson Chamisa, is said to be discreetly seeking adept members to head the party's operations in Bulawayo Province.

A source, who requested anonymity, shared exclusive details with our publication.

The source revealed, "Chamisa has entrusted the task to the party's organizing secretary, Amos Chibaya, urging him to identify six competent individuals who can effectively manage CCC's operations in Bulawayo."

In a deeper dive into the party's internal workings, the source divulged, "Chibaya didn't work alone. He brought Tauya Vunganayi on board, emphasizing the need for secrecy. Vunganayi was explicitly instructed to create this list without seeking opinions or consultations from others."

Commenting on the overall strategy, the source mentioned, "Chamisa wants a refreshed outlook for the party, aiming to replace those serving interim roles in the provinces with handpicked members. This certainly implies a significant reshuffling."

However, this clandestine move is not without its critics.

"There's growing concern over such decisions. The imposition of just six individuals to oversee CCC affairs in such a significant province is bound to raise eyebrows. Six voices can hardly represent the diverse opinions and needs of everyone in Bulawayo,” the source continued.

The source, considering the wider consequences, suggested that this decision might lead to unrest and discontent among the party's members in the province. He added that for a democratic organization such as the CCC, it's preferable for decisions to arise from a collective agreement rather than from unilateral commands.

Considering a possible resolution, the source suggested that Chamisa would benefit from organizing an elective congress. He said that by doing so, office-bearers could secure their roles through a legitimate procedure, bolstering both trust and unity within the party.

The same source stressed the importance of inclusivity for the party's aspirations of growth, transparency, and authentic representation.

Meanwhile, the forthcoming weeks are crucial for the CCC, particularly in Bulawayo. The anticipated shifts and ensuing responses are set to provide insights into the party's evolving direction and inner workings.