Hlanganani World Tourism Expo preps at an advanced stage

Staff Reporter

The highly anticipated 2023 edition of the Sanganai/Hlanganani World Tourism Expo, Zimbabwe`s premier international tourism showcase, is set to take place next month in the vibrant City of Bulawayo.

Contacts from Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) and Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA) have revealed that preparations for the 2023 edition of Sanganai/Hlanganani World Tourism Expo are at an advanced stage and that the Expo will run from 12 to 14 October.

According to the contact there are now 220 exhibitors who have already booked for the event compared to last year whereby the expo witnessed 270 exhibitors.

However, the contacts divulged that the number of the exhibitors was more likely to surpass last year`s figure registration since the registration for local, regional and international exhibitors was still open.

Meanwhile, the registration fee is USD30 per square meter but payable in Rtgs using the prevailing interbank rate. Among the countries that have registered their participation are South Africa (S.A), Zambia, Malawi and Botswana. The official opening will be on the 13th but the Guest Speaker is yet to be announced.

A check with the hotels such as Holiday Inn, Rainbow Towers, Cresta Church Hill, Musketeers Lodge and N1 revealed that exhibitors are scrambling for accommodation. A contact from one of the hotels said exhibitors are making early bookings a move that was boosting their businesses.

Sanganai/Hlanganani-World Tourism Expo is an annual Tourism Trade Fair organized by the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority. It showcases the widest variety of Africa`s best tourism products, and attracts international visitors and media from the world.

Participants at Sanganai/Hlanganani World Tourism Expo stand to derive the following benefits; meeting and networking with Sanganai exhibitors, buyers, investors and suppliers of service to the tourism sector from all over the world, establishing strategic business partnerships with world tourism players and showcasing destination products and services.