President chairs 1st Cabinet, sets targets for ministers

Staff Reporter

President Emmerson Mnangagwa chaired his first cabinet briefing at which he gave mandates which are required of cabinet ministers to ensure that their ministries facilitate the ease of doing business.

Addressing the Government officials President Mnangagwa said, “As Ministers, you are required to ensure that your Ministries facilitate the ease of doing business in line with our private sector led development strategy and quest to make Zimbabwe an investment and tourism destination of choice.”

Highlighting  to the cabinet, the President said that ministers should take charge in perfecting the procurement system of the nation in order to administer all Government projects which were implemented and are still on going in line with the Second Republic’s vision, he further emphasised on transparency and accountability in each ministry.

“It is imperative that we continue to refine and perfect our procurement system in order to promote value for money in all Government programmes and projects. Transparency and accountability must remain the hallmark of this Administration,” said the President.

He went on saying, “Challenges encountered and lessons learnt from the first five years of the Second Republic should be reference points for all of us. A compendium containing summaries of successes and challenges for each ministry will be availed by the Chief Secretary, for ease of reference. Monitoring and evaluating the progress across all activities will continue to be supported by the e-enabled Whole-of-Government Performance Management System. Periodic and informative data, derived from the process, along with the Performance Based Contract System and Performance Based Budgeting must guide our decision making process.”

President Mnangagwa said Government officials should be on high alert and track the implementation of policies which aides to the achievement of goals that have been set by the Second Republic.

“Henceforth, it is critical for Cabinet members to be responsive and robustly track and facilitate the implementation of the policies and programmes that quicken the attainment of set goals. My Office remains open for any guidance and support,” he said

President Mnangagwa, urged the cabinet to play its part on the recently gazetted Statutory instrument No. 156/2023 on the Mustapha Investment Fund.

“The recently gazetted Statutory Instrument No. 156/2023 (SI156) on the Mustapha Investment Fund has far reaching implications to our State Owned enterprises as well as the state of our economy as a whole. I expect Cabinet to play its part in line with the overall vision of this new development,” President Mnangagwa said.

He however indicated that sweeping measures were coming across various sectors to continue to stimulate economic growth under the Second Republic’s National Development Strategies.