Chamisa solidifies selfish agenda

by Chiedza Tembo

In the latest indication that MDC Alliance leader, Nelson Chamisa’s “GodIsInIt” election campaign was driven by selfish interests, the opposition leader yesterday declared that he would not accept Constitutional Court ruling unless it was in his favour.

Addressing journalists in the capital city yesterday, Chamisa stated that he would make an assessment of the Constitutional Court results first before accepting them.

“We always make a forensic assessment at an appropriate time, we can’t just accept a promise. We are going to accept once the process has been undertaken. We will assess the process and then make the appropriate pronouncement,” he said.

Chamisa has been on record declaring himself as the Presidential election winner and on several times announced that he would not accept any result not declaring him as the winner.

Previously, Chamisa described election results announced by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), as ‘fake and fiction,’ leading to the pursuance of the court route.

The opposition leader has, however, come under fire for using inflammatory and hateful language as well as aggressive approach to politics, where he calls for demonstrations and mass protests if his demands were not met.

Chamisa vowed to make the country ungovernable, inciting his party supporters to reject the Con-Court ruling that did not favour him. In a tweet, one of his loyal supporters identified as Makomborero Haruzivishe tweeted that, “As it was in the beginning, is now and will ever shall be, any court ruling that does not declare President elect @nelsonchamisa the winner is rigged and we duly reject it in advance.”