Togarepi gives youths sceptre of peace ahead of ConCourt

by David Chandisaita

ZANU PF National Secretary for Youth Affairs, Cde Pupurai Togarepi has admonished youths to refrain from engaging in wanton violent acts ahead of tomorrow’s MDC Alliance Constitutional Court election petition.

True to the spirit of peace and unity that has characterised the Southern African nation since independence, Cde Togarepi’s voice was calm and collected as he articulated his passionate ideals in the aftermath of the Constitutional Court ruling.

“We want mature leadership, we don’t want to see violence all over. Everyone will be affected. We don’t want people who encourage or foment violence.

He, however, expressed optimism for the country’s youths. “Insulting people is unfortunate. Our youths must be peaceful, united and forward looking,” he continued.

His message comes barely a fortnight after six people died in Harare after an MDC Alliance leadership incited its militant supporters into a violent demonstration. Until then, the violence cast blight on an election that had been deemed peaceful, free and fair by expat observers.

Cde Togarepi also unequivocally reiterated the independence of the Judicial Services Commission (JSC), contrary to myths being propagated by opposition brigades on social media that the courts are an appendage of the ruling party.

“The political side was already dealt with. We do not have influence over the Constitutional Court, Zanu PF nor can’t the MDC Alliance influence the outcome.”