Hundreds receive food aid from Gvt in Makonde

By Derick Tsimba

Government has commenced food distribution of maize in Makonde District in a move that is set to benefit hundreds of families who are facing food shortages following the 2018 to 2019 poor rainfall season in Mashonaland West Province.

In her message that accompanied the food distributions Senator for Makonde constituency Prisca Mupfumira said Government this year is making efforts to ensure that no one would succumbs to hunger.

“The food distributions are efforts being made by Government that people should not succumb to hunger,” said the Senator.

During a recent food distribution programme that gave out food to hunger prone families, Senator Mupfumira said farmers should safe guard their produce from being short changed by middle men.

“Farmers should sale their maize produce to the Grain Marketing Board and avoid the middle men who are purchasing maize at a disadvantaging cost swindling farmers of their hard earned maize crop which would eventually make famers prone to hunger,” she said.

The Senator for Makonde also said youths were responsible for productive efforts to alleviate themselves from economic doldrums. 

“Youth’s you must be active and be involved in economic activities and come up with self help project proposals which can be funded to create employment in the constituency,” said the Senator.

She also said Government would soon resuscitate the Cold Storage Commission (CSC) in Chinhoyi to create employment for locals.

“Government is in the process of resuscitating CSC to create employment. It shall be supported by the command livestock programme. Youths are also expected to be part of the command livestock programme,” she said. 

Government is making efforts to ensure its citizens are provided with basics regardless the effects of the drought experienced during the 2018 to 2019 farming season.