Provincial hero Chikonzo laid to rest

By Tawanda Musariri

Provincial hero of the liberation of Zimbabwe Cde Better Chikonzo who succumbed to a short illness on 1 November was yesterday buried at Harare Provincial Heroes Acre with military honours. He was 62.

Cde Chikonzo was born at Nazareth Hospital in Mutare, raised in Zimunya communal lands were he did his primary education at Mabiya Primary School before proceeding to Mutambara Mission School, all in Manicaland. He briefly worked for Total Oil Company in Masvingo in 1975 before he took the bold decision to leave everything behind to join the war effort of the liberation of the country the following year.

Representing the office of the Minister for Harare Provincial Affairs, Mr Ignatius Mungure, a Director in the same office, praised the heroics of AC Chikonzo for putting his life in line for the liberation of the majority, people whom he had no chance to meet to receive even a thank you. Mungure said Chikonzo’s first name –Better, was in itself a revelation of the ‘better-ness’ of his character in the service of others.

Mungure said, “It is the uniqueness which was in Cde Better Chikonzo that was seen by the President which influenced him to award him this heroes’ status which has brought my office here.”

Chronicling the path travelled by the fallen hero, Mungure said, “He passed through Doroyi base on his way to Tembwe Base Camp where he received his military training. Soon after the completion of his military training, the camp was bombed in 1977 and he happened to be one of the survivors. It was after the bombing that Cde Chikonzo was deployed in Tete Province covering Takawira Base which covered Mudzi, Mutoko and Murewa until ceasefire in 1979. He was later attested into the Airforce of Zimbabwe as an Airman in 1983, rising through the ranks of Airman, Flight Sergeant and Warrant Officer Class Two,” said Mungure.

Cde Chikonzo was awarded five medals of loyal military service, namely the Independence Medal Award, the Ten Years Service Medal Award; the Fifteen Years Exemplary Service Award; Long Service Award and the DRC Campaign Medal Award.  

“He always participated in Zanu PF activities, he was a committed and resolute party cadre who supported the revolution in all its forms,” said Mungure

Cde Chikonzo’s war name was Chimurenga Jet Mileage.  Cde Chikonzo is survived by his Wife Tatenda, two children, Chipo and Tonderai, and two grandchildren. As a symbol of his service to national duty, his widow was awarded with a national flag by the office of the Harare Provincial Affairs Minister.