Citizens bemoan economic saboteurs

By Rudo Saungweme        

Challenges being faced by the country are a result of economic saboteurs who are hoarding goods and cash thereby leading to artificial shortages in the country.

 An interview on SABC between Dr Pedzisai Ruhanya who is a Social Scientist and Gugu Ncube who representing Zanu PF youths, about Zimbabwe`s economic situation revealed that foreign currency illegal traders and people hoarding goods are the ones who are making the lives of the people difficult in Zimbabwe.

Ncube said, “Our government is doing the best it can to ensure that the lives of the people are improved. However, we are having problems of economic saboteurs like foreign currency dealers who are hoarding cash in their homes and charging exchange rates they feel suit them.

“Our President Emmerson Mnangagwa is however working tirelessly to make sure that the economic situation is stabilised.  President Mnangagwa has temporarily amended S.I 122 so that the lowest citizen of Zimbabwe is able to get what they want. I also put the blame to the capitalists in the country who are taking advantage of the situation by holding goods and if they release the goods they will be overpriced.”

Speaking during the commissioning of a ProDairy milk processing plant in Ruwa sometime last week, President Mnangagwa said he was disappointed by the behaviour of local manufacturers who abused laws meant to protect them from cheap imports by holding the market at ransom.

This behaviour of manufacturers led to the temporary amendment of S.I 122 by the government. S.I 64 which was replaced by S.I 122 is the brain child of President Mnangagwa and was meant to encourage and capacitate manufacturers.