AVM Africa poised for major comeback with Belarusian partnership

Staff reporter

AVM Africa private limited, is set to stage a remarkable comeback through a new partnership with Belarus-based Minsk Automobile Zavod (MAZ). The agreement, to be signed at the end of this month, will enable AVM Africa to leverage cutting-edge Belarusian technology, significantly boosting local production.

A source familiar with the development stated that this partnership is set to revolutionize the local transport industry. He added that the increased production of buses is anticipated to benefit a network of 92 local companies involved in the production value chain.

"At maximum production capacity, AVM Africa plans to employ up to 5,000 individuals, while simultaneously generating an estimated half a million jobs through the downstream supply chain. This infusion of employment opportunities is expected to have a transformative impact on the local economy," the source said.

In addition the source emphasized the company’s strategic approach which intends to start by satisfying the local first before expanding into regional markets.

 "At its peak, AVM Africa employed a workforce of around 2,500 and produced 40 buses per month, some of which were exported to African countries such as Zambia and Uganda.

“By leveraging Belarusian technology, we aim to revolutionize public and urban transportation in Zimbabwe, introducing state-of-the-art 120-seater city buses.

“These modern buses are expected to enhance the quality and efficiency of public transportation services, significantly improving the overall commuting experience for the populace," the source explained.

Economic analyst Ben Chihota welcomed the partnership between AVM Africa and MAZ.

"Apart from revolutionizing the transportation landscape, the AVM Africa and MAZ agreement has the potential to create jobs, drive economic growth, attract foreign currency, develop local supply chains, improve public transportation services, and expand market opportunities for Zimbabwe," he said.

In a related development, AVM Africa and Dinson Iron and Steel Company have agreed to secure steel for the fabrication of bus assembly kits locally from the multi-million-dollar iron and steel plant in Manhize.

In recent years, Zimbabwe and Belarus have deepened cooperation across many sectors, driven by a desire to strengthen bilateral ties and explore mutually beneficial opportunities. This partnership is a testament to the growing relationship between the two nations and their commitment to collaborative growth and development.