Motorists applaud Gvt's adoption of the Penalty Point System


Staff reporter

Motorists have applauded the Government for adopting the Penalty Point System (PPS) which has the ability to automatically suspend or revoke driver’s licence in the event of traffic offence or road carnage.


Under the PPS authorities keep a record of the demerit points accumulated by drivers, which might be one point for some very minor infringement and increase in points for more serious offences.

Police spokesperson Commissioner Paul Nyathi said road traffic offenders will be arrested.

“The Penalty Point System, which is being mooted by the Government, is very clear in terms of the implementation modalities where, if a driver commits a particular traffic offence, indicates that the police have to be involved,” said the Commissioner.

Speaking to this publication, Warren Park 3 resident, Tinashe Chihambakwe welcomed the scheme, stating that it will encourage drivers to observe road traffic regulations.

“The penalty point system is significant as it will encourage drivers to adhere to road traffic regulations. We have seen commuter bus operators and other motorists not violating road traffic signs (e.g Give Way, Stop) leading to accidents involving either pedestrians or other motorists,” said Chihambakwe.

Another motorist, Joyce Zingunde said, the PPS will bring sanity on the roads, discipline to drivers and prevent road accidents.

“This is an excellent move, by the Government to adopt the PPS, as it will discipline drivers who have gotten used to running amok violating every road regulation, endangering the safety of other road users. Accidents have been occurring frequently and lives continue to be lost so with this scheme in place accidents can be reduced,” said Zingunde.

The penalty point scheme is important as it penalizes reckless and irresponsible drivers; the system promotes safer driving habits, reducing the number of accidents and fatalities on Zimbabwe’s roads. It also encourages drivers to adhere to traffic laws, knowing that violations can lead to severe consequences like losing their driving privileges.