Parliament tackles local Gvt issues in response to residents’ petitions

Staff Reporter

Nyanga South MP and Chairman of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Local Government, Supa Mandiwanzira led a crucial session, in Parliament yesterday, focused on oral evidence from the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works. The session was in response to five petitions raised by Residents Associations from various parts of Zimbabwe.

In an interview with this publication, Mandiwanzira said that the deliberations ensured that the concerns of the petitioners were thoroughly examined.

“The deliberations are an essential part of our Parliamentary process, allowing us to gather vital information and perspectives from different stakeholders before making informed decisions,” said Mandiwanzira.

During the session, the committee actively engaged with the Ministry, addressing the concerns by the Residents Associations. Mandiwanzira said that the engagement was seen as a significant step towards enhancing accountability and transparency in local government.

“By engaging directly with the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works, we ensure that the voices of our residents are heard and their issues are addressed,” Mandiwanzira added.

Mandiwanzira highlighted several advantages of the proceedings, stating that the outcomes of the deliberations have a significant impact on policy-making and service provision at the local government level.

“Enhanced accountability would lead to improved service delivery, and informed policy-making would ensure that policies are responsive to public needs. Additionally, the process encourages active citizen participation in governance, fostering a more inclusive and democratic decision-making process,” Mandiwanzira noted

He proceeded further, emphasizing the importance of transparency, stating that open discussions and the inclusion of various stakeholders enhance transparency in Government operations, as well as in building public trust.

The committee’s collaborative approach with the Ministry facilitates more effective solutions for local governance issues,” Mandiwanzira added

Meanwhile, the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Local Government and Public Works is one of several committees within the Zimbabwean Parliament. These portfolio committees play a crucial role in overseeing Government departments, examining policies, expenditures, administration, and ensuring accountability.

The committee is tasked with scrutinizing the operations and policies of the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works, making it a vital link between the Government and citizens, particularly in matters of local governance and public infrastructure.

This committee can call for oral evidence from various stakeholders, including Government officials and public entities, to address concerns raised by the public or specific petitions, such as those from residents associations across Zimbabwe.