CAES Mashonaland Central chapter set for provincial launch

Staff Reporter

The Citizens Against Economic Sanctions (CAES) Mashonaland Central Chapter is preparing for its Provincial launch this weekend, marking a significant step in the organization’s campaign against economic sanctions. The event will take place with much fanfare, featuring prominent guests and influential speakers.

The Provincial launch will be graced by the Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Christopher Magomo, who will serve as the Guest of Honour. This event marks the eighth provincial launch in a series that is building momentum towards the highly anticipated National launch scheduled for September 7th.

In an exclusive interview with this publication, Nikros Kajengo, Chief Programs Coordinator for shared insights into the importance of the event.

“The Provincial launch is a critical platform for mobilizing citizens and raising awareness about the detrimental effects of economic sanctions on our nation. It is a call to action for all Zimbabweans to unite and work towards lifting these sanctions,” Kajengo said.

Kajengo elaborated on the strategic significance of the provincial launches leading up to the national event.

“Each provincial launch is designed to galvanize local communities and create a strong, unified front against economic sanctions. By the time we reach the National launch, we aim to have a broad coalition of citizens who are informed, engaged, and ready to take collective action,” he explained.

As the countdown to the National launch continues, the Provincial launches are playing a crucial role in building momentum and spreading the message across the country. The Mashonaland Central launch is expected to set a precedent for subsequent events, showcasing the power of community mobilization and the importance of a united stand against economic sanctions.

This Provincial launch is also part of the broader preparations for the 25 October Anti-Sanctions Day in Zimbabwe, a day dedicated to raising awareness and advocating for the removal of economic sanctions. This significant day serves as a focal point for the nation’s collective efforts against sanctions, making the provincial launches even more crucial in the lead-up to this event.