Unpacking Zvimba South’s developmental agenda


Staff Reporter

Today the Harare Post (HPR) engages ZANU PF Zvimba South Legislator, Taurai Dexter Malinganiso (TDM) who is unpacking the developmental initiatives in his Constituency. The interview offers a platform to discuss specific challenges such as infrastructure development, healthcare access, and educational improvements within Zvimba South. Additionally, the interview seeks to shed light on how local concerns are being addressed within the broader legislative framework, fostering a more informed and engaged community.

HPR: Can you introduce yourself as well as inform us about your journey till now.

TDM: I greet you all, this is Taurai Dexter Malinganiso a Zanu PF Member of Parliament for Zvimba South constituency. Most of you know me as your son, brother and friend whom you voted to represent the constituency of Zvimba South in Parliament for the period (2023-2028).

HPR: What do you have to say about the people who voted for you?

TDM: I stand among great people, the people of Zvimba South, who voted for me to be MP. I am very grateful to them with all my heart as they chose me considering my unfavourable background. I will do my best to serve the constituency; while we work together to achieve Vision 2030. I grew up in this area of Zvimba, am your servant at your service, and I will say to whoever has advice or ideas for the progress of our constituency don’t hesitate to approach me, my door is open to everyone.

HPR: What are your plans for the people of and Zvimba South?

TDM: It is with great knowledge and understanding that there is a lot to be done for my constituency. Our councillors are doing such an incredible job in helping our constituency to develop. So I am going to touch on each ward.

Ward 6: We are going to complete the roofing of a classroom block at Kutama Primary School.

Ward 19: Very soon we are going to drill a borehole and install all accessories at Hoodraw Primary School.

Ward 20: Decided the first thing was to refurbish and improve the infrastructure of Kingswood Primary so that teachers can be assigned at the school.

Ward 21: Roofing of Kasawe Secondary to reduce the distance travelled by our children. There is need to build a school at either at Midday or Pashoni, though it will be attended to later.

Ward 22: The target is perimeter fencing at Banket District Hospital, to avoid and stop patients discharging themselves from the hospital.

Ward 32: We drilled a borehole at Tramore Primary school, therefore our next step is to finish the building of Magaudzi Secondary school.

Ward 33: Roofing at the Dartmore clinic.

Ward 34: We will be roofing Gwangwadza primary school block.

A lot needs to be done, however we cannot do it all at once, but need time to implement the plans. If we remain united there is nothing we can fail to achieve.

HPR: What is your view on the recently introduced ZiG currency by the RBZ?

TDM: The enemy has been targeting our currency, prompting our Joshua in President Mnangagwa to introduce the ZiG currency. This new currency is backed by gold, precious metals, and foreign currency, aimed at restoring confidence and stability in our economy. The introduction of ZiG is expected to reinforce economic resilience and ensure a more secure financial future for Zimbabwe. Let us all accept and use our local currency.

HPR: What are you doing in terms of food aid for Zvimba South in this El Nino induced drought?

TDM: This has not been a good farming season even for Mashonaland West province the main grain producer for Zimbabwe, due to El Nino that had less rain. It’s all good as President Mnangagwa has assured the nation no one will go hungry. For my constituency the food aid is coming to all those who registered their names for food aid. Recently food has been coming and everyone is being given 3 months allocation to every homestead per head. Credit goes to our councillors who are working tirelessly to ensure the food aid reaches the populace, and mostly to our President for his leadership.

HPR: What are you last words?

TDM: In conclusion, I will repeat the importance of Ubuntu, and unity. I will stand by Zvimba no matter the opposition, hardship that may come. Like Joseph who was thrown into the pit, later on, to be sold by his brothers and eventually put in prison, I will take the constituency to a good level, as the people stood by me. You and me we have a job to do, Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo.