Trade restrictions above board: Zim Lawyer

Gonai Kamumango

Zimbabwe is not breaking SADC Free Trade Protocol by imposing trade restrictions on South African goods as it is not a customs union, Zimbabwean lawyer and writer, Petina Gappah has said.

Gappah was responding to a tweet by MDC member, Fadzayi Mahere who accused the Zimbabwean government of lacking sincerity in regards to the Free Trade Areas by imposing trade restrictions on South African goods.

Mahere said, "Zimbabwe still imposes trade bans and tariffs on South African goods not withstanding the existence of the SADC Free Trade Protocol."

Gappah in her response dismissed claims by Mahere and highlighted that every Free Trade Area (FTA) allows members to come up with restrictions as it does not mean total tariff elimination.

"For the record, every FTA allows members to take safeguard action, to take anti-dumping action and maintain tariffs.

"Also permitted is an import licensing, conformity assessment procedure, Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) and Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) regulations and yes with justification, some quantitative restrictions," she said.

Gappah also explained the difference between a customs union, for example the European Union (UN) and an FTA, saying that the difference lies in how they approach non-treaty nations.

"FTA does not mean no barriers, it means reduced barriers. It is important to protect industry, to maintain standards and general exceptions. Only a customs union not FTA will eliminate all barriers to trade." She mentioned.


Zimbabwe introduced the import ban on several basic commodities in a bid to protect the ailing manufacturing industry.