MDC candidates in bid to outsmart each other

Staff reporter

The provincial campaigns by the MDC nominated officials which have begun in Harare, are exposing the rot and infighting within that party.

The party’s leader, Nelson Chamisa has directed the nominated officials to start marketing themselves to party members ahead of the congress scheduled for later this month. The new campaign system will see nominated members taking turns to tell people what they have to offer at a provincial or district meeting.

It was fireworks in Harare Province as candidates stripped off each other at a campaign meeting co-chaired by the United Citizens Alliance of Zimbabwe (UCAZ) Director, Joelson Mugari and MDC National Executive Committee member, Gladys Hlatshawayo.

The party’s deputy chairperson, Tendai Biti who is vying for deputy president’s post, promised that he would not wrestle Chamisa from his position. He regretted his 2014 decision in which he broke away to form a splinter party- the People’s Democratic Party (PDP). Biti said splits were negative.

He claimed that he was tasked by the late Morgan Tsvangirai to unify the party. He, thus, said he was committed to completing the unification process of the party. He added that the congress would provide an opportunity to start new dialogue both within and outside the party.

Biti is reported to be at cross purpose with Chamisa on how to engage Zanu PF. Chamisa reportedly wants more sanctions on Zimbabwe so as to force Zanu PF out of power while Biti is advocating for an inclusive government.

MDC co-vice president, Engineer Elias Mudzuri said given his age (62), he would bring maturity into the presidium. The statement was taken to mean that there was a paucity of mature leadership within the party.

He bragged that he was the cornerstone of the party and that it would crumble if he is removed from the presidium.  He said he respected Chamisa notwithstanding that he was the same age as his first born child.

Professor Welshman Ncube, another aspirant to number two job in the party, claimed he was tasked by Tsvangirai to assist Chamisa in strategic thinking. “I am a strategic thinker and I would assist the president in thinking and formulating strategies,” said Prof Ncube in a statement that political analysts construed as a subtle attack on Chamisa.

Another aspirant for the deputy leader’s position, Morgen Komichi said he has been loyal to Tsvangirai for 19 years and would continue exhibiting that loyalty to Chamisa.

The party’s National Chairperson, Tabitha Khumalo attacked Prof Ncube who superintends the Finance and Administration Committee, for failing to pay workers. She said workers had gone for months without salaries.

Joel Gabbuza bragged that he had links with Matebeleland North traditional leaders whom he said were sympathetic to MDC. He claimed that he was the one who influenced them to support the MDC and that he would use the influence of those chiefs to penetrate other chiefs countrywide.

Gabbuza slated Khumalo for double fielding in Cowdray Park council by-election.

Aspiring deputy chairperson, Job Sikhala declared that the abuse of women in the party would stop forthwith once he is elected.

Daniel Molokele, an aspiring secretary general, bragged that he had vast experience in staging demonstrations.

Another aspiring secretary general, Chalton Hwende said the post of secretary general must be a full-time job whose occupant should not double as a legislator. He said if elected, he would exorcise the demon of rebellion associated with the post.

Hwende was apparently referring to former secretary generals - Prof Ncube, Biti and the outgoing secretary general, Douglas Mwonzora. Biti and Ncube broke away in 2005 and 2014 respectively to form their own political parties. Mwonzora, the current secretary general, had presidential ambitions which he, however, dropped after pressure mounted on him to withdraw from the race.

David Coltart, with highest nominations for the treasurer general’s position said he would curb the rampant corruption within the party.

Lovemore Chinoputsa and Obey Sithole who are both vying for the Youth Assembly chairmanship, bragged about their experience in organising violent demonstrations. Chinoputsa said he would make sure that Chamisa leads the country through demonstrations.

Speaking at the same meeting, Chamisa said there was tough competition for deputy leader’s position reserved for women given that both Lilian Timveous and Lynnete Karenyi-Kore were equally good. He also said tough competition was between Sikhala and Costa Machingauta whom he said were equally competent.