Ministry of Health procures drugs worth RTGS25m

Derick Tsimba

Ministry of Health and Child Care (MOHCC) has secured drugs worth RTGS 25 million in a move that is expected to improve drug availability in hospitals, Harare Post can report.

On its twitter handle, the Ministry said by yesterday drugs worth RTGS 25 million had been delivered at the National Pharmacy (NatPharm).

“Ministry of Health and Child Care has procured medicines and surgical sundries worth RTGS 25 million. The delivery of the drug consignments have already started arriving at NatPharm. The Minister of Health and Child Care, Dr Obadiah Moyo and Deputy Minister Dr John Mangwiro were also present inspecting and receiving some of the consignments of medicines and surgical sundries that have arrived at NatPharm.

“The medicines and surgical sundries delivered at NatPharm are going straight for distribution. Harare Central Hospital Acting Clinical Director, Mr Mungani has already made an order of medicines and surgical sundries for the hospital,” said the MOHCC.

MOHCC is making great progress in ensuring the country sustains the minimum stocks of essential diagnostics, drugs and equipment at NatPharm. The availability of medicals at NatPharm should result in the normal supply of medicines across the country’s medical facilities.