MDC Mash West Provincial Congress marred with chaos

Christopher Makaza.

MDC Mashonaland West Province yesterday held its elective congress which was marred by chaos and logistical challenges which resulted in the voting spilling to early hours of today.

According to inside sources, the congress was supposed to be held at the party`s Provincial offices in Mzari low density suburb in Chinhoyi but was later moved to Chaedza Hall due to overwhelming attendance.

Some members who spoke to Harare Post said they had to sleep on the floor waiting to vote because the voting process started late.

“We are not happy about the confusion and chaos that characterized the voting processes. We came here yesterday around 10am hoping that by 3pm, we would be done but here we are, 4.30am we are still here. Some of us left children home who need our attention but because of this disorder, we are still here,” she said.

The Province endorsed the party`s leader Nelson Chamisa for the party`s presidency, Tendai Biti and Paurina Mpariwa as Vice Presidents. Thabitha Khumalo was nominated for the party`s National Chairman, Happymore Chidziva as Vice Chairman while Chalton Hwende was earmarked for Secretary General. Amos Chibaya was elected Organising Secretary.

The opposition party is setting up an independent election body to oversee the crucial congress election that members fear will be marred by violence and chaos.

Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Union (ZCTU) Secretary General Japhet Moyo will lead the team deputised by Bulawayo based ZimRights lawyer Josephat Tshuma. Other members constituting the body are drawn from organisations such as Crisis Coalition of Zimbabwe, Heal Zimbabwe Trust, ZimRights, ZINASU and other religious groups among others.

Body members will include Advocate Fadzai Mahere, Heal Zimbabwe Executive Director Rashidi Mahiya, Memory Kadawu from (Young Women Development), Youth activist, Stabile Dhewa, former Bulawayo Mayor, Japhet Dhaweni Ncube, NERA Organising Committee Chairman, Joelson Mugari, political activist, Innocent Sibanda, Human Rights activist, Obey Shava, Human Rights activist, Mfundo Mlilo and political activist, Minelly Tagwira.

The MDC Congress will be held in Ascot or Mkoba stadiums in Gweru in May amidst chaos and violence punctuating districts congresses which are nominating leaders of their choice ahead of the congress.