Youth to defend party on social media

By Gift Mashoko

President Emmerson Mnangagwa encouraged Zanu PF youths to defend the party and country from misinformation coming through the social media.

Whilst addressing the National Youth Leadership recently, President Mnangagwa brought out the issue of price hikes which he said was triggered by social media through misinformation.

It is social media misinformation that led to panic buying and subsequently leading to some retailers hiking prices.

President Mnangagwa highlighted that he had previously encouraged the youth to be active on social. He said youths were being encouraged to defend the Government and stop detractors from sabotaging the country.

Imwi semayouth, pameeting yatakapedzisira kuita ndakakutii imimi saaa kusocial media, asi pama elections makagona makazama. Mazuva ano manga mava relaxed pasocial media, makarelaxer. Youth hairelaxe inofanirwa kuramba ichingotamba musocial media imomu kutamba nayo imomu. Endai pa social media tambai navo.

“Let me urge you to be always mindful of your mandate as clearly laid out in our Constitution, chapter 3, article 22, section 193 which include mobilising the youth for full participation in political, social, cultural and economic affairs of the country. Number two, to mobilise the youth in support and defence of the party. Party painopondwa, ndipo pamunofanirwa kuonekwa youth nekutaura,” he said.

President Mnangagwa went on to say that he had sat down with the captains of industry and people would be seeing changes.  He said prices had been reduced and were stabilising in retail shops.