Staff writer

Harare Magistrate, Mrs Gloria Takunda has slapped opposition principal and Vice Chairman of the MDC Party, Tendai Biti with a suspended six-month prison term for illegally announcing fake results for the 2018 harmonised elections.

Elijah Chihota

President Mnangagwa has exposed the shenanigans of the MDC Alliance and how it orchestrated the 14 January 2019 violence which left a trail of destruction mainly in Bulawayo and Harare. The President made the revelations while addressing a rally in Rutenga last Saturday.

Gift Mashoko

Government is in good books with subcontracted bus operators and always holding meetings with them contrary to social media claims that ZUPCO subcontracted buses are set to withdraw after Government’s failure to pay them, Harare Post has learnt.

Shongedzai Mugwagwa

Top Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (Zesa) Executives involved in corruption at the company face the fury of the law and disciplinary hearing following the release of the much awaited forensic audit results, the Harare Post can reveal.

Christopher Makaza

Foreign companies particularly the Dutch, are keen to partner Zimbabwean farmers, providing expertise and foreign markets citing that Zimbabwean crops are good because of its good soils and favourable climatic conditions. Harare Post has learnt.

Christopher Makaza.

Deputy Chief Secretary in the Office of the President and Cabinet (OPC), Dr Ray Ndlukula officially launched the Ease of Doing Business agreed reform Goals under the theme “Duty Executing and Results in Doing Business” at Monomutapa Hotel in Harare on Tuesday.