Welldone Tembo

A video showing MDC Alliance President, Nelson Chamisa, arriving at a memorial service for the late Vimbai Tsvangirai-Java in Glen View, Harare, has taken social media by storm after a journalist asked the opposition leader an embarrassing question.

Christopher Makaza

Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement officials and other stakeholders who include farmer organisations, farmers, banks and research institutions are currently in Kadoma for a three day workshop to discuss on how best irrigation schemes  country-wide can be revived to increase production.

Derick Tsimba

Zimbabwe has created a Diaspora Policy, which is a platform to engage the Diaspora community and also to establish the necessary inclusive institutions for coordination and proper administration of Diaspora issues, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Ambassador Pavelyn Tendai Musaka said while addressing the Diaspora community recently in Botswana.

Shongedzai Mugwagwa

The Zimbabwe National Road Authority (Zinara) Board will next week embark on a weeklong tour in the Cyclone Idai hit areas assessing the decimation of infrastructure and the response done by their parastatal, the Harare Post can report.

Tendai Matunhu

The appointment of former Minister of Finance and Economic Development Patrick Chinamasa as the new Chairman of Board of Directors of Air Zimbabwe has been highly welcomed by citizens who described Chinamasa as a hard-working and upright man.