Dorcas Rumano

First Lady, Amai Auxillia Mnangagwa today toured the International Crops Research Institute of the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in Matopos, under the revamping small grains sector for food security and rural empowerment at village level initiative.

Bernard Mutambudzi

The European Union has committed USD 22million for the Spotlight Initiative program in Zimbabwe which will be implemented by United Nations in partnership with the Ministry of Women Affairs, Community, Small and Medium Enterprises and civil society organisations, President Mnangagwa has revealed.

Dorcas Rumano

Citizens have welcomed the decision by Government to scrap the use of multi-currency and introduction of the Zimbabwe dollar through Statutory 142 of 2019, saying the move will stabilise the pricing system on the local market.

Christopher Makaza

Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement Deputy Minister, Vagelis Haritatos said he was optimistic that the country will soon reclaim its status of being the bread basket of Africa once the government completes its economic fundamentals it is currently working on.

Jasper Hloka

Speculators honeymoon days are certainly over as Government moved to tame the parallel market by banning trading in US dollars through the revoking of Statutory Instrument 142 of 2019.

Claver Nyuki 

Reports of growing animosity between MDC leader, Nelson Chamisa and his deputy, Tendai Biti continues to gather momentum with information gathered by the Harare Post unearthing a devious plan by Chamisa to hold re-elections in all the Assemblies won by alleged Biti loyalists in a bit to halt the growing influence of his deputy leader.