Tendai Matunhu

The Government has with immediate effect scrapped off the use of multi-currency in the country and has introduced the Zimbabwean dollar as the sole currency as prescribed in Statutory Instrument 142 of 2019.

The Statutory Instrument read, “The Ministry of Finance and Economic Development has in terms on section 64 as read with section 44A of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act (Chapter 22:15) made the following regulations.

Zimbabwe dollar to be the sole currency for legal tender purposes. With effect from the 24th June 2019 the British pound, United States dollar, South African rand, Botswana pula and any other foreign currency whatsoever shall no longer be legal tender alongside the Zimbabwe dollar in any transactions in Zimbabwe.

Accordingly, the Zimbabwe dollar shall with effect from the 24th June 2019, but subject to be the sole legal tender in Zimbabwe in all transactions.

For the avoidance of doubt it is declared that references to the Zimbabwe dollar are coterminouswith references to the following and to no other forms of legal tender of currency; the bond note and coins referred to in section 44B of the Act and the electronic currency prescribed for the purposes of section 44C of the Act, that is to say to the RTGS dollar.

The abovementioned bond notes and RTGS are at par with the Zimbabwe dollar, that is to say each bond note unit and each RTGS dollar is equivalent to a Zimbabwe dollar and each hundredth part of a bond note unit each hundredth part of a RTGS dollar is equivalent to a Zimbabwean cent.

References to the currency of Zimbabwe shall with effect from 24 June 2019, be construed as references to the form of legal tender and the electronic currency with which the term ‘Zimbabwe dollar’ is.”

The Ministry assures Zimbabweans that, “The opening or operation of currency designated accounts, otherwise known as ‘Nostro FCA accounts’, which shall continue to be designated in the foreign currencies with which they are opened and in which they are operated, nor the making of foreign payments from such accounts.

“The requirement to pay in any of the foreign currencies referred to duties of customs in terms of Customs and Excise Act (Chapter 23:02) that are payable on the importation of goods specified under that Act to be luxury good, or in respect of such goods, to pay any import or value added tax in any of the foreign currencies referred to as required by or under the value Added Tax Act (Chapter 23:12).”

Christopher Makaza

Mashonaland West War Collaborators have demanded an immediate apology from Matabeleland South Province MDC (proportional representation) Lindiwe Maphosa, following her utterances during a parliamentary business in Mutare that Chimbwidos and war veterans were sex workers during the liberation struggle.

Christopher Makaza

The recent National Executive Council (NEC) appointments made by MDC leader, Nelson Chamisa have been blamed by political analysts for lacking the alliance aspect as the council is dominated by his friends, some of whom are new to the party.

Claver Nyuki

Information gathered by this publication indicates that the MDC’s National Standing Committee and Executive appointments made by that party leader, Nelson Chamisa has caused more disgruntlement than cheers within the MDC camp. The Harare Post can exclusively report that the split prone party is headed for another split after the controversial appointment of the johnny-come-lately, among them Fadzai Mahere who was appointed as the Education, Sports and Culture secretary at the expense of other party loyalists.

Jasper Hloka

Government is on an overdrive to mitigate the current power outages and fuel situation in the country as it dispatches the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Energy and Power Development on a tour of the country’s Renewal Power Plant Stations from 23 to 27 June 2019.

Claver Nyuki

In line with the new education curriculum which seeks to modernise the education system so as to meet modern technologies, the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development has unveiled a Government project in which Industrial Parks and Science Hubs will be introduced across the country. The project intends to mix Science with business to meet modern times.