Brigadier General Mutsvunguma laid to rest

Staff reporter

Thousands of mourners from all Provinces, across the country, thronged the National Heroes Acre to witness the burial of Brigadier General (Rtd), Romeo Daniel Mutsvunguma.

On June 19, 2024, the nation was robbed of another gallant son of Zimbabwe, a distinguished patriot, and a veteran of the liberation struggle.

The late Brigadier General Mutsvunguma, who passed away in Rusape at the ripe age of 67, was a long-serving General Officer in the Zimbabwe Defence Forces.

His unwavering dedication and commitment to the nation earned him the recognition and honor of being laid to rest at the sacred National Heroes Acre, alongside the founding fathers, luminaries, and comrades who shaped the country's history.

In a heartfelt eulogy, President Emmerson Mnangagwa expressed the nation's collective grief and pride.

"On behalf of the nation, the Government, the revolutionary Mass Party ZANU PF, my family, and indeed on my own behalf, I wish to once again express my heartfelt condolences to the Mutsvunguma family for this sorrowful loss. May you take comfort in that the nation he diligently served mourns with you," he stated.

President Mnangagwa highlighted Brigadier General Mutsvunguma’s commitment and exemplary leadership, noting that his contributions significantly advanced the nation’s development.

 “His dedication to duty and outstanding leadership were instrumental in driving Zimbabwe forward, and this should be a lesson to every Zimbabwean that we all should play a part to develop our country,” the President remarked.

The President also took the opportunity to highlight the nation's resilience and unwavering spirit.

"Zimbabwe will continue to prosper under all adverse conditions, including weather and sanctions, ‘ Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo’ Zimbabweans shall forever continue to be the masters of their own country and resources as we work together to achieve our 2030 vision," President Mnangagwa declared.

His words resonated deeply with the crowd, reinforcing the legacy of Brigadier General Mutsvunguma and the enduring spirit of Zimbabwe.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa emphasized the importance of unity during the upcoming SADC Summit in August.

“The SADC Summit is a crucial event for our region’s development and cooperation. I encourage all Zimbabweans to stay united and demonstrate our commitment to regional solidarity and progress.”

The ceremony served as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by the country's heroes and the ongoing commitment to the nation's progress and sovereignty.