By Sizalobuhle Khumalo
In a clear tussle for supremacy in the eyes of Foreign Missions, Hopewell Chin’ono has exposed Edmund Kudzayi as an untrustworthy source of information after he lied about proceedings from a meeting between doctors and Pastor Shingi Munyeza, following a standoff between the former and Government.
As part of G40 machinations to cause state paralysis Kudzayi lied that Pastor Munyeza, who is also PAC advisor had told some representatives of doctors to stop talking about Dr Magombeyi’s abduction if they wanted salary negotiations to continue.
An excitable Kudzayi tweeted, “Verified reports that PAC member Shingi Munyeza told doctors to stop talking about Dr Magombeyi’s abduction if they want salary negotiations are worrying. Equally worrying was his warning that if they attempt to protest again, the authorities will break up the protest violently.”
Munyeza dismissed Kudzayi’s claims as outright lies. “Edmund you can’t go this low my brother. I forgive you for whatever agenda you are trying to drive. Just when I thought I knew you better you have done the opposite. God bless,” said Munyeza.
Chin’ono then made an unsolicited investigation into the matter, which exposed Kudzayi throwing him into a mute mode.
He said: “Two doctors who were in the meeting have said that it is not true that he threatened them.”
““What Shingie said was that Drs should come clean on whether Peter was abducted or not. He actually told us not to lie, but to state our facts,” one of them said. “Shingie came at our invitation. He didn't impose himself on us,” said the other doctor. He was helpful he added.
Chin’ono added: “It was a brainstorming meeting to try & find solutions. Whoever brought out the news has broken down the negotiations pathway, which was being created. The person is selling propaganda & wants the strike to continue. But yes the meeting took place & he was invited as a pastor.”
According to Chin’ono’s source, the meeting took place in the CBD and lasted 4 hours.
“The 4 hour meeting took place in town. The doctors were saying that patients and doctors were both suffering and were trying to find a quick solution. The meeting had junior, middle ranking & senior doctors. Shingi Munyeza was also invited on account of being a PAC member they said.”