Financial challenges threatening MDC congress

By Christopher Makaza

Whilst the MDC is claiming that preparations to their May crucial elective congress are at an advanced stage, the true picture on the ground reflects that the opposition party is facing serious logistical challenges due to financial constraints.

Close sources within the party reveal that the party`s Secretary General, Douglas Mwonzora together with other senior party officials are planning to meet Finance and Economic Development Minister Mtuli Ncube to beg for a government grant to fund their congress.

The sources further claim that  if Ncube fails to avail the needed funds, the opposition party will request him to write a letter of commitment so that they are able to access a loan from CBZ to make their congress a success.

MDC is in serious financial doldrums as evidenced by their failure to pay their employees` salaries for more than 11 months.

The stressed party has more than 160 workers nationally who have all gone for a long time without salaries and they are also failing to rehabilitate their party infrastructure which include party buildings and party vehicles most of which have been grounded for a long time.

The sources went on to say that Chamisa directed provincial leadership to take care of party employees` salaries within their provinces which is obviously going to create disgruntlement and resistance from the provincial members who are equally affected with the current economic challenges.

Political analysts who spoke to Harare Post noted that the MDC is no longer an alternative opposition party for Zimbabweans as it continues to rely on government grants without making initiatives to raise funds for the party`s business.

MDC is expecting to raise more than $3 million on 6 000 delegates who are expected to attend the congress at a time when majority of Zimbabweans are suffering.