ZANU-PF Youth League boss reacts to price distortions

By Bernard Mutambudzi

ZANU PF Secretary for Youth Affairs, Pupurai Togarepi today issued the youths league’s position on the price distortions and increase prevailing in the country.

On his Facebook page, the Youth boss said that the Zanu PF Youth League management committee met at the Revolutionary Party Headquarters this Monday and discussed a number of issues, notably the state of the economy, business arbitrage, and the threat posed by regime change purveyors under the guise of the opposition.

 “Of major concern to us as the Vanguard of the governing party is the economic sabotage that businesses are practising, needlessly profiteering at the expense of the broad masses and increasing prices willy-nilly,” he said.

He said the price increases are unjustified, speculative and uncalled for.  

“We hope that business will do the right thing and stop the madness before we descend on errant companies that are behaving like the terrorists, hurting the economy and blunting the country’s economic revival efforts,” he said.

He said at the management committee, they resolved to cleanse the country of all systems that are in the habit of sucking our people and deal decisively with mafia business organisations that are siphoning and mopping foreign currency.

“Zanu PF Youth League is well aware that there is a cartel of foreigners working with some locals pouring money to money changers and distort the exchange rate. These unscrupulous businesses then externalise the foreign currency to their home countries, we have their names and soon we are going to send our teams to checkmate them and end this madness,” he said.

He warned businesses that they should be prepared to shape up or ship out than to allow humane organisations to set base in the country.  

“The economy is going through a revival phase but that should never be punitive to the consumer,” he said.

He said the price madness was another ploy to trigger demonstrations and they were aware of the actors behind these nefarious exercises.

“Soon we are going to dispatch our monitors to check on compliance with our laws on the part of the companies and also call upon relevant authorities to crack the whip and break monopolies and cartels that are now holding the nation to ransom,” he said

He said country had embraced austerity for prosperity, hence the nation should briefly tighten their belts to adjust to the situation.

He called for the Finance and Industry ministries to be sensitive to the plight of the masses and ensure that there is a balance between theory and practice.

“Soon we are going to call for the total boycott of certain shops that are causing artificial shortages so as to justify price increases and if that route fails we will mobilise to shut down such enterprises that thrive on unjustified and terrorist actions,” he said.