Defence Minister visits Cyclone Idai victims in Buhera

By Derick Tsimba

The Minister of Defence and War Veterans, Cde Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri visited Buhera South constituency recently to assess the extent of damage caused by Cyclone Idai.

Minister Muchinguri said her visit to Buhera came soon after being tasked by President Emmerson Mnangagwa to assess the situation in the Cyclone hit areas.

“I have been tasked by His Excellency President Emmerson Mnangagwa to assess the impact of Cyclone Idai in Buhera South Constituency. Chimanimani was the most affected with the highest of 185 deaths and over 300 missing. Government is making efforts to locate those who are missing,” said the Minister.

The Minister thanked residents of Buhera South for donating non consumable goods to Cyclone victims in Chipinge and Chimanimani.

“You have surprised us in such a donation, we know Buhera as one of the drought stricken areas. You have challenged the rest of the country with such as gesture by donating blankets and clothes,” she said.

Minister Muchinguri applauded the security forces for assisting the victims of Cyclone Idai at a time when such operations were risky.

“We thank the Police and Army for their efforts to assist victims, they risked their lives to serve others,” said Minister Muchinguri.

She also said Buhera was also affected by Cyclone Idai and that Government had prepared itself to assist those affected.

“I acknowledge that Buhera was also affected by Cyclone Idai, Government is prepared to assist those who were affected by Cyclone Idai and the EI Nino induced drought, rebuilding of homestead. Plans are in place to refurbish the Murambinda - Beitbridge road and we are also going to sink boreholes in Buhera. Families affected by floods near Murovanyati Dam shall also be relocated.

“Nobody from our generations ever witnessed such a heart piercing scene save for the war situation.  All the roads, bridges, homesteads, schools and health infrastructure destroyed should be restored to normalcy in the shortest possible time,” she said.

Minister Muchinguri-Kashiri castigated transport operators for charging exorbitant fares and said this was causing a transport challenge.

“Transporters should not charge exorbitant fares, Government acquired 500 busses from Belarus and 200 from South Africa to alleviate the prevailing transport challenge,” said the Minister.

The Minister also said Acting Buhera Chief Chamutsa should stop over charging his subjects when they commit offences.

“Acting Chief Chamutsa should desist from charging his subjects hefty fines as this was extortion. Fifty-one people from Buhera have raised concern with the Acting Chief,” said the Minister.

Manicaland Provincial Administrator, Edger Seenza also attempted to restrain Chief Chamutsa to no avail. The legislator for the constituency, Cde Joseph Chinotimba has since written a letter to the President requesting him to recall Chief Chamutsa because of his anti-government attitude.