Preserve our national sovereignty: Haru Mutasa

By Zivanai Dhewa

Internationally acclaimed journalist and Aljezeera News Network Correspondent, Haru Mutasa has rebuked some elements within the Zimbabwean society for allowing themselves to be used by western countries to destroy the freedom and peace they have while contemplating a return to colonial times.

“Disturbingly too many Africans (I suspect post-independence who don’t know any better) who believe white colonial rule in Africa was better, where blacks couldn’t even walk in some parts of their own country,” said Mutasa

Dismissing the assertion by people that a change of government will eradicate class differences, one netizen only identified as Tannieman, clarified the need to instil in people the ideology of working to raise their own standards.

“The Naivety of thinking that when you are independent you will have it all will put you in a perpetual battle trying to liberate yourself from any political system.  And with the white capitalists, its one man for himself,” urged Tinnieman.

Lamenting on the naivety of some desperate opposition leaders who were assisted by a hidden hand to instigate terror and violent attacks on fellow Zimbabweans during the just ended stay away protests, Tawa Chitura said, “Desperation leads to such actions as the one witnessed this past week, colonialism was very bad and so is the African on African violent attacks as perpetuated by the MDC Alliance and its handlers.”

Zimbabwe was thrown into chaos this past week as MDC Alliance and its affiliates that include, the ZCTU, NGOs and CSOs set out to destabilise government and render the country ungovernable with one sole purpose to overthrow a constitutionally elected President and effect regime change for effective neo-colonial purposes by the west.