Parents welcome A-level enrolment criteria

By Rudo Saungweme

Parents across Zimbabwe have welcomed the Government`s criteria for enrolment of students into Lower Sixth Form for 2019, saying that recognizes every pupil who passed regardless of his or her grade.

Speaking in an interview with Harare Post, Mrs Enia Makotore said, “My son got 4 Cs and 3 Bs and was accepted at his school. The school has a record of admitting students who would have passed with five As and above only. It would even go to an extent of refusing to accept its own students without attaining their required grades.”

Parents have indicated that this move will enable children to work harder after being given their combination as they will now be aware of their performance.

A parent who spoke on condition of anonymity said, “Some students may not have performed above standard at ‘O’ Level but when they sit for their ‘A` Level examinations they will perform exceptionally. We really thank the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education for putting this into consideration.”

Acting Secretary for Primary and Secondary Education, Peter Muzawazi in a statement yesterday said, “Heads of schools are expected to ensure that all learning areas are well subscribed and this is possible if heads do not insist on taking only learners with many A grade passes because learners with such grades tend to want the same learning combinations.”

Harare Post has learnt that schools like Anglican-run St John`s Chikwaka and Catholic-run St Paul`s in Murewa in 2018 insisted on only enrolling 10 As for outside students, whilst St Faith in Rusape needed 12 As pass grade.

Parents have indicated that this move will ensure that every student who passed with 5 O`Levels is eligible to choose the combination she or he wants.