Cotton crop situation encouraging-Mubonderi

By Christopher Makaza

Cotton Producers and Marketers Association National Chairman, Stewart Mubonderi has described the current cotton crop situation as good and encouraging despite some challenges being faced by the cotton industry which include shortage of chemicals and fertilisers.

In an interview with Harare Post, Mr Mubonderi said the little rainfall the country is currently receiving is also favourable to the white gold.

“The cotton crop countrywide is generally in good and encouraging state and farmers are really happy. The current rainfall distribution prevailing countrywide is favourable for the cotton crop. The crop also does well in average rainfall.

“We are happy that more cotton farmers have registered to grow the crop in the 2018/19 farming season, taking advantage of the free inputs under the Presidential Input Support Scheme. More than 100 000 new farmers have joined the wagon of cotton growers this farming season.”

Mr Mubonderi noted that farmers are really happy and motivated by the 20% forex facility where they will receive 20% of their money in forex and also the usual 10% export incentive.

Agriculture Minister, Cde Perrance Shiri has also said the situation in the country is good although some parts were disturbed by the effects of El Nino. He expressed hope that the situation would remain like that across the country to avoid grain importation in the country.