CCC attempts to fire Tshabangu

This development comes on the heels of Tshabangu's bold action of recalling a substantial number of CCC members of Parliament, totaling 69 MPs to date.

Tshabangu took to X (formerly Twitter) handle to express his disbelief after receiving notice of his removal from the position of Interim Secretary General. He accused CCC of hypocrisy, highlighting the irony of being fired by a party that had previously denied his membership. Tshabangu ridiculed the statement released by CCC, questioning the logic behind his suspension when, according to him, the party had once disavowed any knowledge of his affiliation.

"This is ridiculous, they once said they don't know me, but now they're saying they're suspending me. How can they suspend someone they don't know?” said Tshabangu on X.

He went further to assert his determination to continue recalling MPs whom he deemed unfit for their positions.

"What's the rationale behind that unwarranted sentiment? Let me set the record straight that I don't intend to retreat nor surrender.  This is something else, they think they can stop me from exercising my right as the interim Secretary General, nothing will stop the wheels of democracy to turn, remember all the Constitutional bodies that's Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), Ministry of Local Government and the Parliament recognize me, let’s go," Tshabangu declared defiantly.

Political analysts have weighed in on the situation, emphasizing the internal discord as a reflection of a lack of leadership and organizational structure within CCC. The sudden and seemingly arbitrary decision to remove Tshabangu has led some to question the party's commitment to constitutional processes and democratic principles.

"The internal conflicts within CCC are indicative of a party in disarray. It's evident that there's a lack of cohesion and a failure in establishing proper structures. The manner in which Tshabangu has been fired raises concerns about the party's commitment to due process and transparency," one analyst commented.