CCC candidate Morudu faces uphill battle in Gutu West by-elections

As the election campaign intensifies, Morudu finds himself grappling with financial strains due to the absence of party backing in his electoral bid.

During a recent engagement, Morudu expressed his frustrations with his party: “I am shouldering the financial burden of my campaign single-handedly. It’s placing a significant strain on my personal resources, and the party’s lack of support is not only disappointing but it is also severely hindering my efforts to connect with the voters,” Morudu stated.

Morudu’s campaign woes are compounded by the evident contrast with the well-oiled campaign machinery of his competitor, ZANU PF’s John Paradza, whose campaign is reportedly enjoying robust logistical and financial support from the ruling Party.

 The challenges facing Morudu were evident at a recent rally at Chiriga Business Centre, which reportedly drew a paltry crowd and was sponsored by the Zimbabwe Election Support Network (ZESN).

This low attendance has been seen by local political analysts as a sign of the uphill battle Morudu faces, with the constituency’s historical political leanings seemingly against him.

Conversations with locals who spoke to this publication revealed a prevailing sentiment that Morudu’s campaign could be an exercise in futility.

 “Morudu is wasting his time and little resources campaigning in Gutu West,” one resident remarked, reflecting a widespread belief that the constituency will remain loyal to ZANU PF.

Political analyst, Nobleman Runyanga said that the financial plight of Morudu’s campaign raised broader questions about the level of support opposition candidates receive from their parties and how this affects their capacity to mount effective electoral challenges.

“With the by-elections on the horizon, the level of party support could very well be a decisive factor in the outcomes, particularly for candidates like Morudu who find themselves in traditionally adversarial territories,” said Runyanga.

Meanwhile, Paradza showcased ZANU PF’s formidable presence in Gutu West with a successful rally held yesterday at Chatsworth Secondary School.

The event, marked by a staggering attendance of approximately 18 000 people, further cements ZANU PF’s deep rooted influence in the area.