More CCC members to join ZANU PF 

Among these, Abednego Bhebhe, a former stalwart of both Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai (MDC-T) and CCC, is said to be eagerly seeking a meeting with President Emmerson Mnangagwa to articulate his grievances and reasons for wanting to abandon the CCC and join Zanu PF.

A source close to Bhebhe confided that he was growing increasingly disillusioned with the leadership style of Nelson Chamisa.

 According to the source, Bhebhe perceives Chamisa’s approach to governance as dictatorial, accusing him of stifling internal dissent and failing to uphold democratic principles within the party’s ranks.

“Bhebhe feels suffocated under Chamisa’s authoritarian grip. He believes that the CCC has strayed from its democratic ideals, and he is now looking for a political home that aligns more closely with his values,” shared the source.

Bhebhe is reported to have reached out to Lilian Timveous, a former MDC-T Senator and now a member of Zanu PF, expressing his intention to defect to the ruling Party.

Dr. Tadiwa Makumure, a political analyst from the University of Zimbabwe, weighed in on the potential repercussions of this development for the CCC.

“Bhebhe’s departure would deal a significant blow to the CCC, which is already grappling with challenges in asserting its presence on the political scene. His influence within the party is undeniable, and his exit could potentially trigger a domino effect, prompting others to follow suit,” said Makamure.

Bhebhe is not the first to express discontent with Chamisa’s leadership style. A chorus of voices within the CCC have raised concerns about what they perceive as an autocratic approach to leadership, accusing Chamisa of running the party as a one-man show.

History seems to be repeating itself as a growing number of former CCC members, including Lilian Timveous, Kudakwashe Bhasikiti, Joshua Maponga and Tinashe Jonasi have abandoned Chamisa’s leadership, citing his alleged dictatorial tendencies, and found a new political home in Zanu PF.