Chamisa dodges blame on poor service delivery

Staff Reporter

Citizens Coalition for Change leader, Nelson Chamisa on Sunday surprised residents after he alleged that Government was to blame for poor service delivery in opposition-led urban councils.

Addressing opposition party supporters at Zimbabwe Grounds in Highfields during a by-election campaign rally on Sunday, Chamisa said the opposition-led urban councils just take orders from the central Government, which he said was sabotaging their operations.

“The Central Government is responsible for all the challenges we are facing in urban councils as it is the one responsible for procurement processes and availing of foreign currency needed by the councils for their day to day activities. So how can councils be blamed for poor service delivery when the Government is the one sabotaging them,” said Chamisa.

Mr Tendai Kuzanga from Glen View 8 said that it was high time for the electorate to vote out opposition councilors who have failed to do justice in service delivery.

“Chamisa thinks that he is dealing with fools. We are the rate payers and we religiously pay our rates to the opposition-led council. They are the ones who should make proper budgets of that money so that services are properly done. So how on earth can he blame the Government for their failure,” fumed Mr Kuzanga.

“If you go to Bulawayo, Gweru, and Mutare today, the situation is the same. Garbage is not being collected, roads in residential areas are won out and heavily potholed, street lights are not working exposing pedestrians and motorists to thugs, taped water is now history among other problems. So he expects the Government to come and fix the street lights and collect the garbage for them?” asked Kuzanga.

Kuzanga said opposition councilors had taken people for a ride for too long, exhibiting propensity to looting and corruption in local authorities instead of focusing on service delivery. He urged the electorate to vote for Zanu PF candidates for improved services.

“We have suffered enough and it`s high time the electorate vote for Zanu PF councilors for a change in terms of service delivery. Since 2000, the opposition-led councils have failed to do justice in service delivery, so there is need for us to show them the exit door and try other people,” he added.

Last year, the Government took over rehabilitation of some roads in urban areas after realising that the opposition-led councils had failed. This came after the country`s road network was declared a state of disaster with most of the roads having become impassable.