‘Youths are the greatest assets of the nation’

Staff Reporter

Youths are the greatest assets of the country and the Government will continue to empower them so that they can meaningfully contribute to the economic development of the country.

Addressing thousands of youths who thronged the Robert Mugabe Square for the National Youth Day Celebrations yesterday, President Emmerson Mnangagwa said there were a raft of socio-economic developments and activities being carried by Government to improve the welfare of the youths.

“As your President, I am fully aware of the fact that you as the youths are one of the greatest assets of our nation. It is through your commitment, ingenuity, collective innovative capability and energy that we can bring about unprecedented socio-economic development for a brighter future for all,” said the President.

The President urged the youths to desist from drug abuse and warned all drug peddlers that the long arm of the law will catch up with them.

“Ultimately you as the youth must take responsibility to fight, resist and reject drug and substance abuse. The review of the Dangerous Drugs Act to meet and deal with the obtaining realities in tackling drug related issues is being speeded up,” added the President.

President Mnangagwa further said that the Government had put in place an Inter-Ministerial Committee on Drug and Substance Abuse to combat the scourge among youths. He said the multi-sectoral approach had been deployed by various stakeholders towards complementing Government efforts in the fight against drug and substance abuse by the youths.

The President who had earlier led a clean-up exercise near City Sports Centre, implored the youths to use the National Clean-up Day, held every first Friday of every month to introspect on the hazards of drugs.

“Over and above cleaning our environment, the time to de-toxify and clean the minds of the young people from drugs and other social ills is now,” said the President.

Yesterday’s celebrations were held under the theme, ‘Towards Achieving Vision 2030: Alleviate Substance and Drug Abuse by the Youth’ and was attended by youths from all corners of the country.