Yellow Friday a big flop

Staff Reporter

Citizens snubbed a political promotion by the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) dubbed ‘Yellow Friday’, where it literally begged everyone to wear yellow for their party’s publicity stunt.

A brief survey by this publication across the city of Harare, revealed that the Citizens did not heed the call by CCC leadership to paint the city yellow, as people carried on their daily activities clad in different colours.

Tatenda  Nyamkombe from Mufakose, spoke to this publication and expressed his disappointment toward the CCC.

(“Mkoma, andisati ndanzva party ideology yavo ini, hapana manifesto, savanhu tinekodzero yekunzwa zvakamirira party yake, asati atiwudza zvekupfeka nhumbi dze yellow.  Saka handina hangu kuzvinetsa ini, sezvamurikuwona izvi”).  “My brother, I have not heard the CCC party ideology, nor seen their manifesto, as people we have a right to know and be informed of what the party is all about before they demand that we donned on yellow clothing.  So I did not trouble myself as you can see,” said Nyamkombe.

Meanwhile after realising that people were not heeding the instruction for a yellow dress code on Friday, netizen Jacob Lawrence Sedze took to twitter incentivising people to market the CCC party using social media and is willing to pay for every post.

“I wish to sponsor some people who can market the CCC using video clips on TikTok.  Those clips will be share on every social media platform and must include the CCC slogan and Chamisa’s name in 2023 especially the youths!  Those interested inbox me,” read the post @sedzejacob.

People have snubbed the use of social media to promote the CCC party stating that they have no money for bundles.  Other CCC supporters bemoaned the fact that Chamisa was now being worshiped as a demigod and they did not see the need to publicise him but to put more emphasis on the party.