Welshman Ncube cries fowl

Political Reporter

…As Chamisa faction imposes candidates in Matabeleland

The Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) faction led by Nelson Chamisa has been condemned for its failure to implement democratic practices by continuing to impose candidates ahead of bi-elections slated for the 26 March 2022.

Expressing his displeasure on the imposition of candidates in Bulawayo, CCC vice president Welshman Ncube took to Twitter and lamented about the situation the CCC party was creating in Matabeleland.

“(Saze sawahlaliswa amalahle emzini wabo khokho), “They have made us to seat on hot charcoal in the land of our ancestors,” said Ncube.

In an attempt to cover the impositions in Bulawayo and Masvingo, the CCC party’s Secretary General, Chalton Hwende, arm twisted candidates not in Chamisa’s faction to withdraw their candidature in writing.

“We are solving minor glitches experienced in 2 wards in Bulawayo and 1 ward in Masvingo,” Hwende wrote on his Twitter handle.

Meanwhile, Professor Jonathan Moyo and some citizens have rejected the candidate selection criteria by the CCC cabal and labelled it undemocratic.

“It is odd, dysfunctional and embarrassing to have a national leadership like a VP, SG or a Chairman to descend to ward or constituency as a signatory to approve candidates.  Often this exposes the leaders involved to ridicule and can have collateral damage on the party,” Prof Moyo said

Rubbishing Hwende’s claims that he was solving the candidate crisis netizen Mdlongwa added, “Justifying mediocrity? The real issue is not solved here.  Harare imposed its candidate, but people on the ground wanted otherwise.  It is very bad, now Bulawayo and VP Ncube have been threatened.  It’s officially a cult where, what Chamisa wants is what goes.”

Furthermore, the Citizens are against the imposition of candidates that have been selected by the newly formed CCC party, opting instead for the recalled candidates to contest in the by-election and finish their terms.  The new selection will then be done for the 2023 Harmonised general elections.