Devolution bearing fruits in Mt Darwin East

Staff Reporter

The ZANU PF legislator for Mt Darwin East, Honourable Dzidzai Butau, has reaffirmed his dedication to advancing development projects within his constituency in an unwavering commitment to President Emmerson Mnangagwa's development agenda.

Speaking to this publication yesterday, Butau expressed his allegiance to the President's vision, emphasizing his role in national progress.

"I am a foot soldier and an implementation agent of President Mnangagwa's vision, which is to see rapid development across the country. My efforts are squarely focused on ensuring that we leave no one and no place behind as we march towards modernization and prosperity," Butau declared.

Butau detailed ongoing initiatives aimed at improving local infrastructure, starting with the power supply.

"We are currently ensuring that electricity reaches every corner of our constituency, prioritizing schools, clinics, and the homes of our traditional leaders. The Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC) is replacing old power poles with new ones to prevent any hazards that may endanger our people," he explained.

The legislator also highlighted the significance of road rehabilitation in his area.

"Road connectivity is crucial for our development and prosperity. Very soon, the road linking Mangare and Bveke, among other crucial routes, will be rehabilitated. This is not just about improving transportation; it's about enhancing the lives of our people and facilitating better access to markets, schools, and healthcare facilities," Butau added.

Residents of Mt Darwin East have noted the positive impact of these efforts.

Godfrey Chiripanyanga, a local, commended the legislator's dedication.

"Honourable Butau is genuinely committed to the development of our area. He is prioritizing the people's development, which is visible in every project he undertakes," Chiripanyanga said, reflecting the community's appreciation for Butau's proactive approach.

Under the stewardship of Butau, Mt Darwin East continues to stride towards comprehensive development, aligning with the national goal of inclusive progress and enhanced quality of life for all citizens.