ZACC aiming to eradicate corruption by 2030

Staff reporter

The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) is aiming and committed to eradicate corruption in the country by 2030 in line with the country’s development trajectory which is anchored on realizing vision 2030.

Speaking during the commemorations of the Africa Anti-Corruption day held at Africa unity square, ZACC Chairperson, Michael Reza said we can make strides in having a corrupt free Zimbabwe by 2030.

“The journey is far from over and the challenges ahead are significant, however with the continued support and involvement of everyone here, I am confident that we can make significant strides towards a corruption free Zimbabwe by 2030 in line with vision 2030,” said Mr Reza.

Furthermore, Mr Reza implored all stakeholders to resist, refuse and report corruption, as they are committed to stamping out corruption in both public and private sectors.

“Ladies and Gentlemen let us always be mindful that corruption begins and ends with me, this means we have an obligation to refuse, resist and report corruption. We want to assure Zimbabweans that we are fully committed to stamping out corruption in both the public and private sectors,” ZACC Chairperson said.

The commemorations were running under the theme “Effective whistle-blowers protection mechanism: A critical tool in the fight against corruption.” They are held every 11 July to reflect on the progress of anti-corruption. On 11 July 2003, the African Union (AU) adopted the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption (AUCPCC) in Maputo, Mozambique.

Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Commissioner, Jealous Nyabasa said it is everyone’s duty to fight corruption and encourage whistle-blowers to come forward and report corruption without fear.

“We have once again come together to commit ourselves to the noble cause of rooting out corruption through collaboration, the improved information sharing as well as fostering a safe space for citizens and whistle-blowers alike to expose corruption without fear of intimidation or victimization,” said the Commissioner.

In addition, Transparency International Zimbabwe (TIZ) Executive Director, Tafadzwa Chikumbu commended the Government for providing various platforms for civil society to fight corruption and also for ratifying international treaties that advance exposing corruption while protecting whistle-blowers. He also said TIZ will continue to work with various Government departments to eliminate corruption in Zimbabwe.

Meanwhile, ZACC arrested four Harare City Council (HCC) officials for allegedly awarding a street light tender worth over US$9,2 million to Juluka Enndo Joint Venture, without following proper procedures.