Political analysts applaud the setup of Gukurahundi community hearings

Political Reporter

Political analysts have welcomed the setup of Gukurahundi Community hearings in Matabeleland Provinces for national healing, which will be launched by President Mnangagwa on 13 July, 2024 in Bulawayo.

A Total of 72 chiefs from both Matabeleland North and South provinces will lead the public hearings aimed at bringing closure to the early 1980s disturbances that affected the two provinces and parts of the Midlands province and foster lasting peace and unity in the country.

Speaking to this publication, Political analyst Elton Ziki, said the Gukurahundi community hearings will help in coming up with better recommendations from the society at large.

“The Gukurahundi community hearings will provide a vital platform for survivors to share their stories, paving the way for informed recommendations that facilitate healing for individuals and unity for the nation, enabling all to move forward together,” said Ziki.

The chiefs and the supporting staff have undergone training on how to conduct the hearings and Government has provided the required resources such as laptops, recorders and printers. Government has urged the media to help resolve and not incite conflict when reporting on the Gukurahundi hearings.

Another political analyst, Gibson Nyikadzino added that it was important for national healing, having a shared vision for the nation and attain vision 2030 as a united people.

“The Gukurahundi community hearings should bring national healing and a shared vision which are crucial to achieving Vision 2030. By addressing past wounds and fostering unity, Zimbabweans can build a future where every citizen contributes to a prosperous and united nation,” added Nyikadzino.

Furthermore, Nyikadzino highlighted that the move by the President to setup the Gukurahundi community hearings will go a long way in uniting our country and shun tribalism.