Gutu South Constituency thrives under the Second Republic

Staff Reporter

In a transformative move mirroring President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s vision, Member of Parliament for Gutu South Constituency, Pupurai Togarepi spearheaded borehole drilling initiative at various primary and secondary schools.

This endeavor marks a significant step towards improving livelihoods and fostering economic empowerment across Gutu South Constituency.

In an interview with this publication, the headmaster of Chagwiza Primary School in Gutu South, Tobayiwa Musendekwa detailed the positive changes brought about as a result of boreholes spearheaded by Honourable Pupurai Togarepi.

"The boreholes have been a game-changer for our community. Access to clean and reliable water has enabled us to cultivate gardens and rear livestock, including chickens, rabbits, and goats. This has been especially crucial after the El Niño-induced droughts, where many families had no yields from their crops as well as the unavailability of reliable water sources,” said Musendekwa.
Musendekwa highlighted that the gardens are not only a source of food but also a means of economic empowerment for the local residents.

"With these gardens, we can now grow vegetables that we sell at the local markets. The income generated helps families to afford school fees and other necessities, contributing to the overall wellbeing of our community,” he stated.

Additionally, Youth Chairperson for Gutu South Constituency, Ward 31 B, Shylet Mangava, echoed Musendekwa's sentiments.

"The Second Republic has truly brought change to our lives. The provision of boreholes has restored hope and dignity to many households. We are happy to see young people engaging in productive activities, thanks to the water from these boreholes as they are now getting involved in these garden schemes leading the youth to desist from wasting their lives by abusing drugs,” Mangava expressed joyfully.

Mangava further emphasized the broader impacts on the community. "Beyond just agriculture, the availability of water has improved sanitation and hygiene standards. This is critical in preventing diseases and ensuring a healthy environment for our children to grow up in. Honourable Togarepi's efforts align with President Emmerson Mnangagwa's vision of self-reliance and development, building a prosperous Zimbabwe with the resources and strength of its own people. The borehole scheme is just one example of how Government’s policies are directly benefiting communities at the grassroots level,” said Mangava.

Meanwhile, Mangava expressed satisfaction with the introduction of the Zimbabwe Gold (ZIG) currency.

"Zig is a sign of economic stability and growth, further enhancing our confidence in the future. We continue progressing as a country towards Vision 2030,” she said.
As the people of Gutu South continue to build their community, the spirit of "Nyika Inovakwa Nevene Vayo