Govt walking the talk in Gutu South Constituency

Staff Reporter

In the wake of the El Niño-induced drought, that severely impacted the Gutu South Constituency, Government has stepped in to provide the much-needed food assistance.

Speaking, today, during a thank-you rally in Gutu South Constituency, Member of Parliament (MP), Pupurai Togarepi announced a comprehensive food relief program, aimed at ensuring every family in the constituency receives adequate support.

"Each family member will receive 7kg of maize every month to sustain themselves during these challenging times. This initiative aligns with President Emmerson Mnangagwa's mantra of leaving no one and no place behind, ensuring that even the most vulnerable populations are cared for,” MP Togarepi declared, whilst emphasizing the Government's commitment to food security.
Togarepi highlighted that additional measures are in place for disabled individuals who may face difficulties accessing food during distributions.

“We have arranged for chiefs and headmen to assist those who are disabled, by making sure they are not left behind. This effort demonstrates the inclusive approach of Government in addressing food insecurity as well as reflecting a broader commitment to equitable development. We will not rest until every family is food secure and no one is left behind,” he said.

Reaffirming his dedication to the constituency, Togarepi spoke passionately about leading the community towards Vision 2030 through sustained development efforts. He encouraged the community to embrace development initiatives and remain engaged in the growth process.
"Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo. Do not resist development. Be part and parcel of the changes and opportunities that come our way," he stated.

Additionally, Councillor for Gutu South Constituency in Ward 31, Simbarashe Mutiva echoed Togarepi's sentiments urging the youth to steer clear of drug and substance abuse and instead participate in developmental projects championed by the Second Republic.

"Our youth must channel their energy towards productive activities that contribute to the community's growth. Substance abuse only hampers progress and development,” Mutiva asserted.
Meanwhile, the Government is rolling out a drought relief programme which seeks to benefit 7,7 million food insecure citizens following the El-nino induced drought.