Police ban electronic gadgets at ConCourt

by Brightface Mutema

The Zimbabwe Republic Police has warned that the security sector is on a high alert as the Constitutional Court (CC) seats today to hear the election challenge that was filed by the MDC Alliance leader, Nelson Chamisa.

Chamisa is disputing the outcome of the presidential elections that were held on 30 July 2018 which he lost to the incumbent President, Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Cogniscent of the ugly side of technology, ZRP chose to take a rather precautionary measure ahead of the court session on 22 August 2018 by banning all forms of electronic gadgets from being brought anywhere near the CC. This was nothing other than to discourage misinformation and disturbances at the court.

ZRP issued a statement saying, “The Zimbabwe Republic Police wishes to inform the nation that people who will be attending the Constitutional Court on 22 – 23 August 2018, will not be allowed to carry electronic gadgets like cell phones, laptops, cameras or other recording devices.

“To avoid unnecessary delays please leave these items elsewhere. Only accredited individuals will be allowed access to the Constitutional Court premises. We kindly request for co-operation with law enforcement agents in that regard.”

All those found wanting will be dealt with accordingly, said the ZRP. “Anybody found on the wrong side of the law will be arrested and dealt with according to the laws of the country.”