MDC goons assault a journalist

By Claver Nyuki

MDC goons masquerading as the party’s security details during its Agenda 2020 launch in Mbare, Harare, yesterday assaulted and injured a journalist, accusing him of being a Zanu PF member sent to spy on them.  

The journalist, Robert Tapfumanei strings for online media platform, Sly Media

NewsDay senior reporter, Blessed Mhlanga expressed his displeasure on his micro blogging site, calling the act barbaric.

 “Security at the MDC rally in Mbare harassed journalist Robert Tapfumanei. The same people who cry out loud when harassed by the police are themselves barbaric. This has to be condemned.”

Commenting on the incident, Siphosami Malunga said, “It is unacceptable to obstruct, harass or intimidate journalists when they do their work no matter who does it.”

Taona Munemo added to the discussion, “The flip side, if the rallies are not given media coverage, they say there is unfair media coverage, when journalists come they are mugged and gagged. So what is it that these guys want?”

MDC deputy spokesperson, Luke Tamborinyoka admitted to the incident and attempted to save face, labeling their security as overzealous.

“Dear colleagues, my sincerest apologies over the way Robert Tapfumaneyi has been treated by our overzealous security personnel. I sincerely and profusely apologise on behalf of the MDC which does condone such drastic acts.

“I have engaged and personally apologised to Robert about the whole incident. In the meantime I am engaging the security department so that stern action is taken against the individuals.”

The incident involving Tapfumeyi exposes the MDC as hypocrites who go all out in attempts to portray Zanu PF as human rights violators when the MDC itself reeks of violence.