Sikhala plans to intimidate court

by Christopher Makaza

MDC Vice Chair Job Sikhala reportedly wants to intimidate and undermine the court by hiring crowds of MDC supporters to storm the Masvingo courts when he appears for hearing on 27 and 30 January 2020.

Sikhala is being charged for subverting a constitutionally elected government and treason.

According to a close source within the opposition party, Sikhala the bigmouth politician is the brains behind the formation of an organisation named Friends for Job Sikhala, formed specifically to mobilise people from different provinces to attend his court case in Masvingo in solidarity.

The organisation will allegedly mobilise transport to Masvingo from all corners of the country so that people swam the courts in solidarity with Sikhala.

The source revealed that Sikhala is working in cahoots with his MDC friends Underson Masuka and Tawanda Magaya. The three allegedly went to Masvingo last week to mobilise people themselves, after Sikhala had received word from MDC National Executive member Dzikamai Mavhaire that his mobilisation drive was being sabotaged by Masvingo Provincial Chairperson James Gumbi. As a result Sikhala decided to be on the ground himself.

According to the source, it is with this background that Sikhala decided to engage Tongai Matutu and his faction aligned to MDC Vice President Tendai Biti and MDC Deputy Secretary for International Relations Douglas Mwonzora. The group allegedly held a meeting at Shevro hotel with party members Jefferson Chitando and Masvingo urban district Organising Secretary Gibson Murinye among others. There they agreed that they will carry out road shows on 25 and 26 January as part of the mobilisation exercise ahead of Sikhala`s court hearing.

The source said Gumbi who is Chamisa`s ally received an instruction from Chamisa to sabotage Sikhala`s mobilisation drive as he believes Sikhala is fast becoming over ambitious and power hungry and wants to show the world that he is capable of pulling the crowd more than himself. source went on to say Sikhala however indicated that he will not be bothered with whatever Chamisa will say concerning his mobilisation activities and that he will not stop.

The source further revealed that the mobilised people will put up at Mavhaire`s farm ahead of the programme.

Sikhala is known for bragging that he is a better leader and a more effective activist than Chamisa and wants to impress the Americans who are reported to be getting too close to Biti for both him and Chamisa’s comfort. It is also reported that Sikhala is desperately trying to prove that he is a presidential material.