MDC turning its Chaplaincy department into pressure group

by Tendai Matunhu

MDC is now transforming its Chaplaincy department into a pressure group called Christian Network (CN) to ensure independence from the party so that it attracts funding from donors.

According to a highly placed source within the MDC, the party realised that there was donor fatigue as there were no more donations coming directly to it. He said the donor community seems to have lost confidence in the MDC party.

Source went on to say, “The MDC has noted that it is because of the Political Party Finance Act that the donor community found it impossible to fund the party directly, that is why they have decided to use the Chaplaincy department as a conduit to look for donations from the international community. The Christian Network will also be used for their usual work of mobilising support from different churches.”

Source went on to say that the CN executive was urged by the MDC leadership to register as a Private Voluntary Organisation (PVO) by 25 January 2019 for donations to start coming. The CN was told to expedite the registration of the pressure group because the party is now hungry for money.

CN Secretary General, Eddy Masango was tasked to facilitate registration and to identify offices far away from the Richard Morgan Tsvangirai House so that there will be no link between the two. The MDC leadership wants to make sure no trace is left that suggests any link between the two.

According to source, the MDC leadership has said that CN has to be subtle in their mobilisation as they should not openly push MDC agenda and they should not wear MDC regalia or address gatherings with MDC supporters wearing regalia.

He also said that the CN programme line up for the year starts with a workshop to train CN executive most of whom are pastors from AFM. The CN will be trained on how to mobilise without offending other members who are non MDC members.

The source also noted that CN starts with the training of trainers in Kadoma which will help capacitate CN national members who will in turn conduct workshops in various districts and wards with other members. There will be the launch of a clean community initiative in March which will run under the theme Cleanliness is next to Godliness.’

In addition the source said the CN will hold prayer meetings across the country’s provinces and will also source funding for community projects under the banner of income generating community empowerment and development projects to market MDC policies to beneficiaries.

Lastly, he highlighted that CN will also hold quarterly prison fellowships targeting political prisoners. Recreation and sports initiatives will also be held in all provinces. On 24 October this year the CN will have a Charity Day and in November this year CN will also have a Pastors Day conference.