Chamisa still stuck in 2018 election mode

by Claver Nyuki

MDC leader, Nelson Chamisa today launched that party’s 2020 agenda with political analysts pointing out that Chamisa’s address during the event only coagulated the notion that the party is devoid of tangible and innovative ideas to challenge ZANU PF and that the party is still stuck in the 2018 election mode.

On the 2018 elections, Chamisa said, “We must go back to the 2018 vote. It must not be ignored because it’s the people’s will. While the ConCourt made its ruling, which we disagreed with, it’s now clear from evidence from ZEC itself that the results of the 2018 presidential election were transmitted unlawfully.”

Chamisa went on to declare that the party would be spearheading protests and demonstrations.

 “We are prepared to take the reins in 2020. This year is going to be a year of demonstrations and action. The fight for return to legitimacy. We have a government that was put in place by the Constitutional Court not by voters,” he said.

Commenting on the address, political analyst, James Wood dismissed Chamisa as clueless, “Chamisa’s address is just a high sounding nothing. He has just proven to the whole nation that he is incapable of leading the country.

“He is still stuck in the 2018 election mode, two years on and the demonstrations and protests he keeps talking about year after year shows someone who lacks new ideas on how to carry the country forward.”

One netizen, Dr Tinashe Chihuri, took to his micro blogging site to castigate Chamisa, “Chamisa will obviously continue to bombard his followers with good English and entertaining jokes but saying nothing. It will continue to be accusation after accusation against ED and the ruling party without supporting evidence and going to town about issues that.”

Chamisa’s sentiments confirmed reports of a growing rift among the MDC leadership, accusing his colleagues of working with ZANU PF to topple him from his position.

The thinly veiled warning believed to be directed at Vice President Tendai Biti and Deputy Secretary for International Affairs, Douglas Mwonzora, said, “Those who think they can become leaders of the MDC through being imposed by ZANU PF are dreaming.”

The statement follows mainstream and social media reports of factions formulating in that party with most members increasingly growing disillusioned with Chamisa’s leadership and preferring Biti to take over the reins.

Part of the projects Chamisa promised to initiate including the STEM programme and Jekesa Zimbabwe mirror those programmes already being carried out by ZANU PF including the national clean-up campaign.

The claim that ZANU PF stole the SMART agriculture concept from the MDC also reeks of a leader who has run out of ideas and is only a matter of time before party members see through his desperate statements.